Our Vision
For all young people to live in an equal, inclusive society where they are listened to, respected, and supported to reach their full potential.
Our Mission
Is to empower people to be the best that they can be by involving them consciously in their development. We believe that young people can achieve amazing things with the correct supports. We strive to provide these in a variety of ways to suit the person’s needs.
Our Values & Principles
We hold voluntary participation at the core of our youth service.
We promote equality of opportunity and respect and value young people uniqueness.
Young Person Centred
Provision is rights based and young person centred.
We are committed to the principles of Youth work.
We empower young people by giving them the silks and opportunities to make decisions about their life.
Safety & Support
We provide a safe and supportive environment.
Our Services
UBU Your Place, Your Space Youth Project
UBU Your Place, Your Space Youth Project is a young person centered, community-based youth project for young people aged 10-24 years. We provide a range of opportunities and supports based on young person’s needs and interests.
KEEP Youth Diverversion Project
The Youth Justice project operates from Kilmore and from Belmayne. Both locations offer supports such as a 12-17 YDP, Early Intervention program and family Support.This project is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union.www.eufunds.ie
KEEP Youth Diversion Project seeks to divert young people aged 12-18 years from becoming involved (or further involved) in anti-social or criminal behaviour. Youth Justice Workers develop positive relationships with young people, that supports them to make informed choices for themselves and to move away from offending behaviour.
KEEP Early Intervention Project offers supports to young people aged 8-11. The aim of the program is to offer supports to young people who have been identified of being at risk of engagement in criminal activity. By developing long term relationships with young people and by delivering long term supports. The project will strive to divert young people from crime.
KEEP Family Support Project offers practical and emotional support to families experiencing a variety of issues. This can be provided in their own home or in the community. The interventions are needs led and referral to more specialized services can be made.
Counselling Service
Counselling Service offers a free and confidential counselling service to over 18’s. Counselling provides the opportunity to reflect on a range of challenges and work towards a positive future.

Our Location
Kilmore West Youth Project CLG
Recreation Centre,
Cromcastle Road,
Kilmore West,
Dublin 5
Our Governance
Kilmore West Youth Project is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee. It was re-established in 2009 to respond to the needs of young people in the Kilmore West area. It is managed by a voluntary board of Director’s.
Policies & Forms
Our Funders
Kilmore West Youth Project has two main sources of funding.
Department of Children Equality Disability Integration and Youth), through the City of Dublin Youth Services Board (CDYSB) and the Department of Justice through the European Social Fund and Dormant Accounts.

Kilmore West Youth Project recognises the valuable contribution that Volunteers and Students bring to our organisation. We are committed to supporting them so that the experience is mutually rewarding.
Volunteers can expect to:
- Be informed and given opportunity to play an active part in the youth project.
- Have your contribution to the service recognised.
- Be offered appropriate training based on essential knowledge and skills as well as further development.
- Have safe working conditions.
- Be made aware of complaint and grievance procedures.
- Know what is expected and work to be undertaken.
Be treated fairly and equally, free from discrimination on grounds of gender, marital status, race, sexuality, religion and disability.

For more information on volunteering, call Michelle on 01 8474522 or download our application form.